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CORRERE NATURALE – by Daniele Vecchioni

The Running School

What we can read in June – A book to improve physically and mentally

I haven’t written on my blog for quite a long time. By February, I realized I was severely affected by burnout syndrome. It took me a great deal to identify my wrongs and understand how to lower my stress level. I even built an anti-burnout plan, that eventually seemed to show results.

Reading was one of the most helpful actions I have undertaken in order to get back on my feet. Actually, I was so low I couldn’t pick up my pieces to start new books. So I just re-read what once made me feel better.

On my list of activities that would help me overcome burnout sports were included. I love running, but because of my week and painful right knee, I haven’t gone out for a jog in a while. This is the reason (to be truly honest, there’s a secondary one that I can’t reveal yet – blink, blink) Correre Naturale was reopened on my kindle.

At first glance, this book is about running. It gives an extensive amount of information about how to restructure our bodies in order to run at our best. The perspective is highly revolutionary – Daniele is not afraid to fight clichés and propose unique ways of enjoying running, which is ultimately our way of locomotion.

What really struck me about this book is a deep insight – running, as life itself, is about our inner voice. Despite Daniele being a triathlete champion, he doesn’t even specify his high outcomes in sports. His book intentionally fails to prescribe a recipe that leads to the same success. Quite the opposite, he strongly advises us to deeply listen to our sensations, whilst chasing sustainable objectives and having a good time:

Follow your sensations, your heart, enjoy the moment, the joy of running. Don’t get into a competition with other people, not even with yourself… (my translation)

What a marvelous way of literally getting back on our feet!

Unfortunately, the book is available just in the Italian version, in both kindle and physical format. You can buy it here.

Photo taken from amazon: https://www.amazon.it/Correre-Naturale-Daniele-Vecchioni/dp/8868365332